Tuesday, January 10, 2012

tcs-18 Fight Time (2)

Fight Time

Here are two simple steps that will almost double your ability to win a fight.

Second: Use a catch-phrase.

A catch-phrase is simply some short-but-cool saying that flips your time control switch and gets your blood pumping. “I’m gonna kick your ass,” works for most people, but do try to be original — conformity is boring.

Your catch-phrase needs to do two things:
  1. Get you in an ass-kicking mood.
  2. Sound confident should you accidentally blurt it out during a fight. The key is to fire off an adrenaline rush combined with a sense of urgency (Will I lose this match or get hurt?).
The Key:
Work with your own emotions.

Ever been sick and then had someone give you really good news? Isn’t it amazing how you feel instantly fine ... if only for a few seconds? Well, programming a catch-phrase to trigger your time control mechanism for fighting/sparring can instantly raise your aggressiveness, strength, and tolerance for pain. It can turn you into a fighting machine.

IMPORTANT: You only want to be in this state when actually fighting. Many people train to be in this state 24/7. This does not work because life demands that we be flexible and not physically assault everyone who crosses us. Seriously, someone who stays in this state of heightened aggressiveness is just asking to become an abuser, which rhymes with “loser” and which puts them right back at Level 0 on the self-control scale. It is also incredibly bad for the health. Human beings were not designed to be in fight or flight mode for more than a few moments at a time — the time necessary to get out of harm’s way.

Your catch-phrase is yours to keep. In a self-defense situation it could save your life or someone else’s. It also can be used to help you succeed day-to-day if you use it to turn yourself into a thinking machine. I have used mine in confrontations with the boss at work (said it to myself, NOT out loud) to regain control during heated discussions, etc.

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