Level 3: Time Stop
Learn to freeze time.
This is it. The true power we all should be striving for. The ability to freeze our opponent in his tracks while we move effortlessly. This cannot be explained, only experienced!
Time Stop can only be maintained for seconds (maybe ten seconds tops) and you will be mentally exhausted after. Even if you have been able to see in slow motion for months and can turn it on and off at will, Time Stop will be an unmistakably different experience. When you achieve it, you will notice things you never noticed before. It’s like staring at a life-size freeze frame — as if you’ve “paused” real life.
When you experience Time Stop, you will feel each heart beat, feel as if you can count seconds between each pulse. You will feel the air entering and leaving your lungs. And, most critically, the amount of information you can perceive and process will astound you. If you trained Level 2 correctly, you will think your fist to your assailant’s body and it will be there.
The one thing you will NOT feel is the sheer helplessness your opponent experiences!
Be careful not to become mesmerized by this, because time will return to regular speed suddenly and violently and your window of opportunity will have passed. All three life-threatening situations mentioned on my website involved me using this technique to prevail.
The Key:
Think of your mind as a hiker on a long trek. It carries a backpack, canteens, and other baggage. In other words, it hefts a lot of weight on a daily basis, ranging from controlling your breathing and heart rate to problems with work or health or love life.
To achieve Time Stop we must drop ALL this baggage instantly and use every last iota of our metal power at once. And we need to do it at better than 20% capacity.
Maintaining Control
Taking control of time is extremely powerful. With practice it can be controlled 90% of the time. But in order to do this, you must eliminate those things that interfere with your ability to control it at will.
These things include:
§ A cluttered or chaotic mind
§ Lack of self-control
§ Poor physical health
§ Lack of sleep
The next section on redefining control discusses how to train in TCS Combat Mode and take more control of your life.
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