Violence cannot be controlled by technique alone.
Attacked by a vicious dog
Assaulted by a knife-wielding thug
Caught in the middle of an armed robbery
The truth about self-defense training is you never know when you will be called upon to use what you’ve learned. Amazingly, the technique I used to prevail in the above three scenarios is the same technique I used to…
win scores of point and full-contact tournaments.
The technique I used in all of these situations was Time Control Sports (TCS) Combat Mode.
In the simplest of terms, TCS Combat Mode is…
the ability to see things happening in slow motion.
That’s right! TCS can teach you how to have more time to react. More time to block or strike with precision. More time to set up your opponent for defeat.
More time to be in complete control of even the most chaotic of situations.
Traditional martial artists rejoice!!!
TCS Combat Mode is NOT about changing your traditional martial art techniques.
TCS Combat Mode IS about making you think faster thereby slowing time down.
Making the subconscious à conscious.
To understand just what the human mind is capable of, think about this: You can be driving your car a mile-a minute (that’s 60 miles per hour), drinking coffee, talking on your cell phone, listening to the radio, and passing slower moving cars, YET if a ball rolls into the road in front of you, your mind will make over fifty calculations in less than one second and more than likely react appropriately. (Note: Please don’t try this with your car.)
Driving is, if not THE most dangerous thing we do, one of the most dangerous. Because of this, most of us have trained our minds to be hyper-vigilant on the road. We are prepared to think faster when needed.
Now there is a way to train your mind to think faster whenever you want — be it in a sports competition or real-life situation of self-defense.
Turn “think fast” into “think faster”.
Protect yourself — not just physically but legally. By thinking faster (which allows you to see things happening slower) you have more time, not just to react, but to decide what to do.
Sudden violence is explosive.
Being able to react faster and see things happen in slow motion has many benefits. First consider the shock of surprise. We’ve all had someone sneak up on us and say “Gotcha!” only to have our heart skip a beat. In a real attack that skipped beat can cost you the fight … or worse!
A trained TCS practitioner will not skip a beat, but will see the attack coming in slow motion. Time can be critical whether the “attacker” is a friend or family member whose only aim is to make you jump, or a dangerous assailant. Even a trained martial artist may strike reflexively, sometimes hitting a loved-one by accident.
Occasionally, a martial artist will…
Hurt the attacker in a real fight.
Wow. Sounds great at first blush, but consider the story of Josh, the Red Belt from my home town who unintentionally killed his attacker. The short version is that this capable and experienced Tae Kwon Do practitioner blocked and punched a heckler who assaulted him in the parking lot of a bar. The attacker fell backwards, hit his head, and died! Josh spent three months in jail.
If he had been trained in TCS Combat Mode as well as his traditional discipline, the outcome would most certainly have been different.
At higher levels TCS Combat Mode can help you...
avoid excessive use of force by controlling the situation.
Seeing things happen in slow motion will also allow you to see other options. Being able to control a hectic situation should be of the utmost importance to every martial artist.
Control is everything.
Skill and technique in your chosen discipline will only take you so far. Learn to fight mentally — the way you want — on your own terms. Learn to gain more control in any sports competition while simultaneously increasing your self-defense skills.
TCS will teach you...
Three levels of situation control.
- Self-control
- Control of your environment
- Control of your opponent
If you have ever played a sport and felt as if you continually made the wrong moves you know the power of that third level of control from the receiving side. Learn to put yourself in the driver’s seat.
Three levels of time control.
Starting with the reflex training you now have, you will learn to think within the reflex.
Once inside the reflex, time will seem to move more slowly as you learn to analyze information more quickly. With training, this ability will turn on automatically and at higher levels can be turned on at will.
At the third level of TCS you will be able to make time move so slowly it will seem to stop!
That’s right. Things will move so slowly, it will almost seem as if time itself stands still. This is so devastatingly powerful, words cannot explain it. It must be experienced.
What TCS will not teach you.
- How to fight (you must learn the moves elsewhere).
- The correct course of action in any given situation (you need to exercise wisdom once you have the time to do it).
- How to defend yourself (but it will improve your existing skill).
- How to move faster (that’s a function of your reflexes and training).
10% or 10x?
One year from now, do you want to have increased your fighting skill 10% or ten times? If you had the time to react the way you wanted in any situation, how much would that increase your fighting skill?